Monday, January 28, 2013

Family Christmas Part 1

This year we hosted ALL of our family (and some friends) for Christmas at our house.  It started with a lot of cooking on Christmas Eve for my parents and one set of in laws (The Wrights) and Clay and Ben.  Everyone was staying in our house so it was a little like running a bed and breakfast! :)

On Christmas Eve night Glenn grilled filets and I made sides.  After our delicious meal, the Wrights, the boys and Glenn and I headed to church for the 9 p.m. candlelight service and live nativity.  

The next morning I had made a breakfast casserole in the crock pot so everyone filled up their bellies before heading to the living room for Christmas gift opening.  It was quite an experience to have 8 people (and soon 2 dogs) worth of gifts being opened!

My parents left late morning and the rest of us began to prepare for Christmas night.

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