Wednesday, May 23, 2012

First Beach Weekend 2012

Last weekend we were finally able to visit the beach for the first time since New Year's.  We got down there   late on Friday because Ben had an end of year party at a friend's house.  So, we got up on Saturday to move some furniture we had brought down for the condo, took Ben to buy new clothes and visited the Griffins at their store.  We followed our evening with dinner at Abuelo's.  

On Sunday it was finally warm and sunny!  Breakfast was up in North Myrtle and we stopped to pick up "Bike Week 2012" tee shirts.  They were 3 for $10!! Who could pass that up. We headed back to the condo and started at the pool and followed up with a few hours on the beach.  It was a wonderful, beautiful day.  (And, super sad we had to leave.)

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