Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Washington, DC

Glenn has meeting for LDG + I have mid winter break + Ben turns 13 and we want to do something special = a TRIP TO WASHINGTON, DC!!!!
We left Columbia super early on Thursday morning and by 8:30 we had dropped our luggage at the Mayflower Hotel and we were hitting the streets to see everything we could.  I think we must have walked 20 miles that day!  We saw the monuments: Washington, WW I, WW II, Vietnam, Korean War, Lincoln.  We toured the Museum of American History and strolled the mall.  We toured the National Gallery sculpture garden and had lunch.  After lunch it was off to Capitol Hill, Union Station, the old Post Office and Bell Tower, the White House and then just everything on the streets.  After a short rest we walked to Hard Rock Cafe for dinner, saw the Ford Theater and watched a ton of fire trucks fight a fire we couldn't see. 
On Friday we took the Metro to visit Arlington Cemetary (where we saw the Kennedy graves, the changing of the guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier and witnessed a funeral procession), the Pentago to visit the 911 memorial and to the Iwo Jima Memorial...where we got soaked!  Later in the evening Glenn and I joined pest control friends for dinner at Central, a French-American fusion place that was fabulous.
Saturday morning we headed to Old Ebbitt's Grill for brunch before hitting the museums.  We took a tour through the Air and Space Museum and the Museum of Natural History.  After an afternoon rest we went to Dupont Circle for dinner at Bupa de Beca with pest control people from South Carolina.  Sunday was lunch at Fuel and a visit to the Holocaust Museum.  We returned to the hotel where Glenn had a meeting and Ben and I rested....finally, before flying back home!  It was definitely a fun trip!

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