Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

I'm I have always loved St. Patrick's Day.  In high school my friends would send me "Happy St. Patrick's Day" cards and my dream is to one day finally go visit Ireland.  So, Columbia has a huge St. Patrick's Day festival every year in 5 Points and since I moved here I have gone all but one year.  The first year Glenn and I were dating we started a tradition (that also skipped last year) of having a "pre-St. Pat's" at our house.  We invite everyone to wear there green and bring their goodies and enjoy.  I love it...I get into it with jewelry, boas, tiarras, and whatever else!

This year we revived our "Pre-St. Pat's" and an added bonus, everyone could park at our new house and walk to 5 Points!  It was awesome!  Our house was empty excpet for TVs and we learned that we are in an area of LOTS of college students and people who like to celebrate.  It was noisy, it was funny, it was terrific!!  (And, we loved being able to show our new house to our friends!)

 my girls: Victoria and Peggy
 Ben had a blast (and ate almost all the cookie by himself!)

 Glenn chose not to go to 5 Points but it was worth $15 to me just to see all the crazy people in their green costumes!  Like the dude here:

Cam and Victoria

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