Sunday, December 4, 2011


This year because of moving Mrs. Matthews health and moving her into Still Hopes we held a huge family Thanksgiving at our house. Both sets of my in laws, Mrs. Matthews, Clay, Ben and Glenn and I were all having a big lunch.

After spending Tuesday night washing china, polishing silver, rearranging furniture and decorating, Wednesday finally arrived and so did Clay and my TX/NC in laws! That evening we all opted to stay in and have pizza so we could catch up and prepare for Thursday. My other mother in law, Belinda, came over for a bit as well to say hello.

Thursday, Fred fried a turkey, Vicki and I prepped the sides and by noonish we were all gathered around our table for our Thanksgiving feast. Everything was delicious and I think we all agreed it was a wonderful holiday. Afterwards we shared photos that we found at Mrs. Matthews' house and let her tell us stories.

From our house we all went to Still Hopes to see Mrs. Matthews' new apartment. Then, the Wrights, Glenn and I also went to Laurel Crest to visit Mr. Jay, his grandfather. Returning to our house we had leftovers and I was asleep in the recliner by 7 p.m. It was fun, but exhausting!

The Wrights arrived on Wednesday and we started getting ready for Turkey Day.

Fried Turkey

Mrs. Matthews enjoying Thanksgiving

Ben decorated the pumpkin pie

Glenn, his grandmother and his dad at Still Hopes

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