Monday, July 11, 2011

Summer Trip to the In Laws

My inlaws made it to their Hendersonville home over the July 4th weekend (after returning from an exciting safari to Africa!) and we made plans to head to cooler temps and visit them this past weekend.

On Friday we arrived to a delicious meal of sauteed squash/zuchinni/onions, hamburgers, corn on the cob (none for me...thanks, braces) and homemade baked beans. It was soooo good. After dinner we did our gift exchanges. It started with souveniers from Africa for us (beaded tribal bracelet cuff for Ben, beaded necklace for me, and an African fly swatter for Glenn), then my birthday -- which I recieved a wonderful gift for....a NOOK (to replace the Kindle that died a while back), and then Glenn's mom's birthday presents.

Saturday we headed to the curb market for jellies, tomotoes and squash. We were also hoping for another Gamecock couch door stop to take to the beach, but she didn't have one, so we ended up with Gamecock napkins for tailgating, pink seersucker napkins for summer at home and aqua napkins for the beach. There we ran into family friends: the Kuhns and the Bonds. The Kuhns just bought a new house so we stopped there to visit and then headed to lunch at 2 Guys Pizza. After a little rest, Glenn and I laced up our shoes and drove to Jump Off Rock for some hiking. Dinner on Saturday was at a new Mexiccan restaurant Sol Y Luna.

After breakfast on Sunday we all loaded in the car and drove to Jackson Park for a two hour nature hike. Lunch at home followed and some TV/reading time before we had to leave this haven in the mountains and drive Ben down to summer camp in Cleveland, SC!

Hiking at Jump Off Rock

Jackson Park Nature Trail

wild turkeys at my in law's place

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