Monday, June 27, 2011

Wednesday - Nicaragua

When we first arrived our driver gave us a tour brochure and I immediately singled out the day trip to Nicaragua. Glenn was less than thrilled with the idea stating that I only wanted "another Passport stamp", but his motto is "what my baby wants, my baby gets....within reason". So, on Wednesday we were up at 4:30 a.m. to dress and meet our bus to cross the border. It turned out to be a highlight of the trip!

After the wonderful breakfast we travelled to the border (interesting experience) and into Nicaragua. There we toured a cigar company, the old city of Granada, the oldest church in Central America, took a boat tour on Lake Nicaragua, visited Mayasa Volcano, had lunch and shopped in a small market town, vistied a seaside village and returned back across the border. It was a LONG day but so well worth it.

I had a very hard time choosing pictures for this post. I took 200 alone during the tour. Hopefully, I chose some that will give you a glimpse of the beauty and charm of this country about which so much negative I'm sure most of us remember from the '80s.

Costa Rican breakfast before crossing the border
miles and miles and miles of trucks trying to cross the border....some wait for 3 or more days!!!

1 American Dollar will buy you exactly this much toilet paper to use in the waterless, seatless toilets at the border....

Immigration letting us in Nicaragua

the Nicaraguan countryside was GORGEOUS

hand rolling cigars

View of Granada from the oldest church in Central America

The City of Granada

Boat cruise on Lake Nicaragua...beautiful homes and monkeys!

Mayasa Volcano....yes, it is Active!!

Lunch in Nicaragua in this cute market cafe

outside of the market

Overlook in this little tiny seaside village

Glenn shows off his new wedding band purchased from a guy on the street of a seaside village in Nicaragua!

One last look!

Gift from our tour company!

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