Friday, January 14, 2011

Snow and Ice

At 3 p.m. on day 3 of the big snow this is what my car still looked like and we were still out of school. Glenn planned to return to work on day 3 until a slick of ice on our sidewalk got in the way and left him with a goosegg the size of a lemon on the back of his head and sore neck and shoulders. And, so day 4 rolled around....Glenn worked (until after lunch since we had to get ready for the men's dinner at church), Ben had a 2 hour delay and I was STILL at home. I'd like to say I got a lot done. I did a little bit of laundry, I windexed the kitchen and coffee tables, helped Glenn get the food and deliver it to the church, took and picked Ben up at school and read a book. Finally, my district returned us to school (without kids for our already scheduled workday AND sanded, but still icy sidewalks).
My great grandmother always said that if snow was still on the ground three days later another was coming. I sure hope NOT. I've had my "snowstorm" for the year and I'm ready to move on to spring and summer!

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