Saturday, January 1, 2011

Our Wedding Reception

We had the most wonderful reception on Friday, December 10, 2010. Glenn's family (his dad, stepmom and grandmother) hosted this perfect, beautiful event at Spring Valley Country Club. The band Heart and Soul entertained and the dance floor was the place to be. Food was fabulous (although I was so busy that I didn't get to eat a whole lot!) It was a magical and wonderful evening with about 200 members of our families and friends. Everyone (and I mean everyone) claimed this to be "best reception ever" and "the event of 2010 to attend".
One of my favorite pictures from the reception!
two of my favorite girls --- Peggy (my maid of honor) and Paula

LOVE the Blackmons (and Ben of course!)
Peg caught the bouquet and Clay the garter....Clay asked, "Does this mean I have to marry Ms. Peggy? I'm not sure I could handle her!" LOL!!!

the hors d'ourves table

our beautiful, gorgeous and delicious cakes courtesy of Tiffany's Bakery

cake in Gamecock colors of course!

loved the garnet roses with silver leaves

the room was unbelievably gorgeous

poinsettias for the tables

food table arrangements
my in laws and the boys
my family's table
our first dance to "Have I Told You Lately That I Love You"

with Christina and Dray (Lachlan is in the stroller, but he was our youngest guest!)

cutting our cake

with our friends, Andrea and Rich from Augusta

dancing the night away!

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