Monday, September 27, 2010

The Man Cave That Might Become The Woman Cave....

Glenn's house is in the process of various remodeling's to make it more "us" and more for a family than a bachelor. The upstairs has been converted by a local interior designer to a master suite, a new roof has been put on, the shed out back has been painted and roofed (now we just need to clean it out and make it useful storage), we've added some new (well, new to us) furniture and we started the pet project....a "man cave" for Glenn and Ben. After the tile went down and I saw how fabulous it was going to look I put a stop on painting the walls a cave color. We went with "splish splash", a shade of blue that Ben actually liked and I thought would look great with the tile, freshly painted white trim, exposed brick wall and blue-stained mahogany desk.
The painters are finished, the desk and a recliner have been moved in and this room is FANTASTIC. I bought a local artist painting of a garnet and black palm tree last week and the Pawley's Island print hast been hung. Next step is a TV for in here and window treatments. Then, I think this "man cave" is becoming a woman cave very quickly!!

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