Monday, September 27, 2010

A Little Rain? Child Please! Ochocinco is On the Field!!

Glenn was given tickets to the Bengals/Panthers game and I was SO excited. If you will recall, I decided that Ochocinco is my current favorite NFL player during last year's "Hard Knocks". I was thrilled at the chance to see him play in person. Now, on a normal day I pull for the Panthers, except when they are playing my Bengals! :)
The day was so rainy and yucky, but I bought us ponchos and was determined to go sit in our sits for the game. Yes, it was MY idea (not Glenn's) to sit in the rain for a football game. Our tickets were in Silver Club Level and he was content to sit in the Panther's Den and watch on the TVs. I will say the Panther's Den was was dry, comfortable and there was a Krispy Kreme for goodness' sake! But, I was not deterred. I braved the rain, often heavy, to see the Bengals and Ochocinco play. And, WIN!!

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