Sunday, August 15, 2010

New is in the Air

Tomorrow is the big day....Ben starts 6th grade and it is my first Monday back at work. (My students don't arrive until Thursday.) I'm torn between being excited and not excite this year. The summer was so good that I don't want it to end, although I really would like cooler temperatures and football season to arrive. I have a new teaching partner this year and I think she and I will get along just fine ---she's very vibrant. Along with this time of year come so many "new" things. Over the next few weeks I'll start leading a Bible study, Glenn starts coordinating the men's activity "Men Cook With Fire", Ben starts confirmation, a new Sunday School program is going into place for all of us, Gamecock football kicks of on September 2nd, and more.......its makes for a time of year where everything is charged with excitement. So, I'll do a quick recap since my last post and then move on with all this "newness" that is definitely in the air!

Ben spent last week in Spartanburg and I finished summer reading of my last book Summer at Tiffany, also my favorite of the books I read this summer. Then, went back to school on Thursday. I met my parents in Clinton for lunch and to pick Ben back up. We then bought school supplies! On Sunday, after church and lunch, we headed to the parsonage for "Open House" with Jeri Katherine and her sister, Macie, who lives there with her. They had some very yummy treats prepared for church members to enjoy while visiting!

Pictures: my parents at lunch; the delicious foods at the Parsonage Open House!; Ben and Tripp a few weeks ago at chuch

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