Sunday, July 11, 2010


Sometimes I really disappoint myself with my haste judgements on things. Shortly after we joined our church, Wesley Memorial United Methodist, our pastor (and his family) that we loved announced they would be going to a new appointment at the end of June. Glenn and I were both very, very disappointed. Michael and Lucie had become friends, Ben had gotten to be friends with their children, Michael baptized Glenn and we had envisioned many years of him as our pastoral leader. Then our new minister was announced and I am going to admit that my first discussion with Glenn went something like, "I guess we should start looking at churches" and I started checking out others in the the area. We've debated back and forth since the announcement about where to visit/when to visit/etc. Glenn suggested that we at least let her start.

And, as I often do, I was hasty with my "let's move on". Jeri Katherine is young, just out of Divinity school, but she is also optimisitic, enthusiastic and her love for God is evident from the first moment of meeting her. She has a vision for the church --- one that continues to place God at the center of all things, while having a heart for people and above all sharing God's love with them. I'm glad Glenn encouraged me to give her a chance and not just jump ship. I truly believe after only two Sundays that God has great things in store for Wesley Memorial and its people. It's so interesting that we've been in turmoil over staying or leaving and what would be best for us and Ben. But, today after service (and a wonderful welcoming luncheon for Jeri Katherine) Glenn and I both, almost at the same time, said something to the effect of "Wesley is where the three of us are supposed to be." Even Ben agreed. As all things when God's hand is upon it there was a peace that we are exactly where we are supposed to be, when we are supposed to be there. I look forward to getting to know her and serving with her. I believe there are great things ahead. And, I'm so glad that I didn't let myself get in the way and miss out!
(The flowers are from Susan, a dear, sweet church friend's garden. She made them for today's lunch as centerpieces and encouraged me to take one and enjoy this birthday week!)

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