Monday, May 31, 2010

Happy (Early) ME!

Although my actual birthday is about six weeks away, I celebrated in a BIG way this past weekend with Glenn's family. We arrived at Nordstrom's shoe department on Saturday to meet his dad and Belinda. She had told me at the gala last week when/where to meet and that she had a room reserved for us as a special birthday treat. But, in all honesty, I had no idea how special of a treat I was in for!

From here we headed upstairs where her personal stylist (stylist extrordinaire, I might add...she was awesome), Selma, was waiting. Sight unseen and knowing nothing more than my age, size and that I was Glenn's girlfriend, Selma had filled a dressing room with clothes, as well as a rack outside! Everything she picked (even the didn't works were amazing). She had treats set up for us in the dressing room sitting area and she and two of her co-workers seranaded me with "Happy Birthday" while I started trying on clothes. I think I tried things on for about two hours, organizing into yes-n0-maybe stacks and with all of us choosing our favorites. Selma was fabulous and patient...bringing extra sizes, new options and even Spanxx when I tried on a few fitted dresses. Once things were narrowed down to the ones liked most we headed to BCBG to look at a couple of dresses that Glenn's dad had seen and thought I would like (he was right and I was glad it gave me something new to wear to dinner....see photos below!). Glenn and I headed off through the mall for a while on our own before meeting them for lunch at McCormick and Schmick's. After lunch it was back to Nordstrom's to say good-bye to Selma and have her package up the clothes. (They are being shipped back to Columbia so I will have them shortly!)

Glenn and I then headed back around the mall to pick up a few things for him ( and he bought me a pair of aqua blue Tommy Bahama flip flops!!) before heading to the hotel. We all stayed at the Hampton Inn in Phillips Plaza and it was fabulous! My favorite part --- the HUGE garden tub and TV in the bathroom mirror --- love that!

Our evening ended with Del Frisco's for dinner. Oh. My. Goodness. That meal was incredible. I started with a seafood soup and for main course ( I was the only non-steaker at the table) sauteed sea scallops with a spinach, arugula cheese and watermelon salad, asparagus and spinach. My taste buds did back flips over this meal!

Sunday we enjoyed breakfast at the hotel (with a lot of eager race-goers) before a morning walk around Phillips Plaza and a stop at Dean and DeLucca's. After another trip back to Southpark, where Glenn bought some shorts and shirts and I bought shoes, we headed back home to Columbia.

I was definitely surprised by this birthday celebration and had a wonderful time!! Be sure to watch future posts for a glimpse of my new wardrobe additions! :)

Pictures: me and Glenn; me and Belinda (outside Del Frisco's); the mirror TV (isn't that wonderful??); the fountain in front of the hotel; Hampton Inn, Phillips Place (yes, I took that picture -- I've already been asked if it was taken from their website!)

1 comment:

Marisa said...

Okay, so THAT was freakin' awesome!!! Glad you had a great time...and I can't believe you were up here and didn't call!! :)
Miss you!