Monday, May 24, 2010

Black Tie and Tails

Glenn is on the board of Carolina Wildlife Care and Saturday night was their annual "Black Tie and Tails" Gala and Silent Auction. It was held on the top floor and roof of the Nelson Mullins Building overlooking all of Columbia. It was a beautiful location and the views (it was a perfectly clear night) were gorgeous. Glenn had sold tickets to his grandmother, Mr. Rick, his dad and Belinda, Karen (a church friend of his grandmother's that we've gotten to know over Sunday lunch) and Hilda (Belinda's best friend) and that made for a fun group for us to spend time with. The food was terrific -- southern themed and a steel drum band in the atrium played favorites by the likes of Jimmy Buffett, while Eliot and the Untouchables rocked on the rooftop!

There was a caricaturist and even Cocky made an appearance! Unfortunately the thing I MOST wanted from the silent auction (a beautiful painting by Blue Sky) was way out of my price range, but the thing that I was MOST determined to win, I did --- four, one day Park Hopper Passes for Disney World, to use when we go in July! We also won a doctor's office visit and two passes to the Art Museum (to finally go see the Chihuly Chandelier) and two passes to a Trustus Theater show!

Pictures: View from the top; steel drum band; Mr. Rick, Karen and Mrs. Matthews; me and Cocky; the caricature artist; me and Glenn; our caricature --- do you think it looks like us?!?!

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