Thursday, April 1, 2010

Maundy Thursday

Tonight we started the Easter weekend with a Passover Seder service and dinner at church. It was so very interesting and educational. We followed the path of the Last Supper starting with lighting the candle by a female at the table , the Kiddish, a meal (enjoyed with Glenn, Mr. Sipes, Lucy and a new friend, Michelle at our table), Urchatz (ritual washing of hands), Karpas (leafy green vegetable dipped in a water, vinegar salt mixture -- the cup to the left of the salt shaker), Yachatz and Mageed (recitation), Ma Nishtanah ( four questions to answer why certain things were done in the manner of the Last Supper -- Glenn and I were assigned question parts during this), the Lord's promise, The Story of Israel, explanation of the three Passover symbols, Hallel (Hebrew for "praise"...think Hallalujah!!), feasting of Matzah (bread), Moror (bitter herbs -- horseradish for us) and Charoset (fruit dish -- a yummy cinamon apple dish), blessings of bread and Cup (Communion) and the traditional four drinks for the Cup of the fruit of the vine.

After Barachah (blessing), which our pastor gave in Hebrew, we all proceeded to the Cross on the church lawn. There, the cloth was switched from the Lenten purple to black, in remembrance of Good Friday and the crucifiction of Christ. It will remain black until the Resurection of Easter Sunday morning.

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