Wednesday, March 3, 2010

My Surprise and Sweetness

I am making my first post from my new netbook!! YAY!! It arrived today and I am so excited. I finally transferred all of my photos to the external hard drive the other night and just in time because my laptop is all but completely gone. Now, I have this to stay connected. It came in and I started setting it up before heading off to church for the weekly Lenten series dinner and service we are doing in conjunction with three other Methodist churches in the area.

Dinner was great -- fabulous soups, chilli, salads (this incredible Asian salad) and desserts. Glenn and I were assigned to be greaters and counters. And of course after three countings we had three different numbers! I can't do the service justice; the minister who preached did a great job with a sermon on "Which Criminal Are You?", meaning which of the two theives at the cruxifiction are you most like. It was thought provoking.
I love our friends Van and Elsie's daughter, Andie. She is adorable and hilarious! You never know what she is going to say or do. Tonight, it was the sweetest thing I have seen in a long time. While Van was playing guitar and David was singing Mercy Me's "Word of God Speak" (and while Elsie was trying to keep her quiet) she proceded to sing along. It was beautiful and sweet to hear her little voice singing along. Then, a little later in the service she turned around to hand me a tithing envelope with hearts and "From: Andie, I love u, Melanie". It was SO sweet and made my night as I'm sure you can imagine!

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