Sunday, August 9, 2009

Weekend With Ben - Part 1

I picked up Ben on Friday evening in the Vista and I was so excited to see him!! We got him settled in, had a hot dog dinner at home and spent the rest of Friday night watching Disney shows together.

On Saturday he helped me run some errands before lunch at his favorite place, Pizza Man! After lunch we rested before going to my friend Christina's new apartment and pool. Ben had a blast playing video games with her boyfriend, Dray (his name and his father's name is Damon Ray, so he is nicknamed Dray, but Ben renamed him "D-Rock"!) before we all headed to the pool. Ben is such a little fish and he had a terrific time playing in the water with Dray, Christina and another friend also named Ben. After a little while, Christina took him to the game room to play skee ball and foosball.

Ben LOVES swimming and the water!!

My little fish and his new friend "D-rock"

Playing in the game room

Christina and Ben playing foosball

One of mine and Glenn's friends graduated from USC yesterday and her mother hosted a dinner for her last night. So, Ben stayed and swam, played video games and watched TV with Christina so I could go congratulate Kat on her graduation. It was a yummy spread of food, too!! She sent Ben a piece of her awesome cake so he was thrilled.

When I got back to Christina's, they were all eating homemade ice cream! Ben and I stayed to visit for a little while and then headed back to get ready for bed!

Ben and Ben eating homemade ice cream and Kat's graduation cake!

They also just got a Harlequin Great Dane, Lexi Jane, and we got to play with her! She is such a sweetie!!

It was a busy Saturday!! Today, we went to the Zoo, so watch for that post later!

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