Friday, June 19, 2009

The Boys are Here!

After a little over a week in Florida, the boys arrived back in Columbia yesterday to spend the weekend with me. My friend, Paula, had gotten us tickets to the Blowfish game so we headed out there last night with dark clouds threatening. After about 15 minutes of arriving, the wind picked up and shortly thereafter a major storm blew in and lightening struck two transformers so the stadium, including the "club" room where we were waiting it out, went dark. We had fun, though, spending time with Paula and other friends!

Picture 1 - the boys at the game, Picture 2 - me and Paula, Picture 3 - me and my boys!

Check out those clouds!! Right before the storm broke loose!

Inside during the storm

Paula and her little friend, Carolina

Ben gets a magic trick from Chris

Today, we took a walk down to the river. It was HOT!!! Tonight we joined Glenn for dinner at our Friday night tradition, Pizza Man.

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