Monday, January 19, 2009

End of the Year and Beginning of the New

Its hard to believe we are over half way through January '09! It seems like just yesterday that we were ringing in the New Year. So far, it has been busy!

The Columbia Jaycees held our Awards and Installation Banquet last Friday night. Along with the other officers for the year, I was sworn in as the Membership VP and I was EXTREMELY surprised when I was awarded "Rookie of the Year". I had no clue and didn't expect that at all. The following day I joined the board for our annual planning and then also attended the state year end convention. Where I received a state "honorable mention" for Rookie of the Year. (pics: 1 and 2 - recieving my award from Sheila, the '08 president; swearing in of the '09 board; Christina, a new member/Phi Mu sister and I before the awards at state convention)

And then that night, Clay was sworn in as Vice Chief of Programming for the OA Lodge at the yearly banquet. He is, of course, very excited about serving his second year on the lodge council. He's already working on some things for OA Dixie and other upcoming events. Its so neat to see him in such a leadership role and taking responsibilites and LEARNING valuable skills that will be with him for life! (pics - 1. Clay at the board's head table; 2. Clay giving his speech; 3. the swearing in of the board for '09)At our first meeting of the Phi Mu Alumnae chapter for the year, I handed over the presidency to my friend, Christina. This year I'll be the philanthropy chair which I'm excited about since I'll get to coordinate our involvement with the CMN hospital again. And, I made my first chapter visit --- I went to College of Charleston for their officer training. (Pic - Phi Mu alumnae at our first meeting of the year)As you can see, Clay and I have been busy starting off '09!

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