Sunday, December 7, 2008

We're Still Here!

Just in case you thought we had disappeared this week --- we're still around! And, it has been BUSY!

I was sick early on in the week and spent Tuesday and Wednesday in bed. We had the Columbia Jaycees Christmas party this week, Ron's company party, we volunteered for the Carillon Parade's 5K/watched the parade/attended the volunteer celebration, Clay marched in the West Metro parade/watched the parade and had a Phi Mu Alumnae Christmas dinner. And, I took A LOT of pictures during all of this. BUT, my computer died on Monday and Ron is in the process of repairing it. Until then all of my pictures have to stay on my memory stick. (Thankfully, he had just pulled all of my pictures and files from my laptop to a jump drive so I didn't lose anything!)

This week coming up is pretty busy as well. And, again, will ensure LOTS of pictures to post. Monday night is "Ugly Christmas Sweater" Bunco, Wednesday I'm meeting my friend Stephanie and then have the Alumnae Panhellenic Christmas social, Thursday night is Ben's big school performance and Friday (as soon as school gets out) our family leaves for Myrtle Beah as part of the "Sands Christmas" event with the SC Jaycees. Basically, Sands Resorts partnered with the Jaycees to bring needy families on a vacation at the beach and provide Christmas for them. Each chapter chose a family for the sponsorship and Sands is also providing for chapter members to escort the family. In addition to a few other members, our whole family is going. The boys are SO excited to a part of this! And, as soon as we get back on Sunday, Clay has TWO (yes TWO) band concerts that day --- one the school band holiday performance and the other a special ensemble performance he was chosen for! What a week! (And, for the computer to be broken...YIKES! Luckily, my husband is an IT wiz!)

I hope you all are enjoying the season! It is busy, but I love it!

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