Sunday, November 30, 2008

Thanksgiving Break

Its hard to believe that our five day Thanksgiving break is over and there are only 15 more (school) days until Christmas break. The break started on Tuesday night with a Jaycees event in the Vista with old friends and some new ones.
Christina, me, Rachael and Kellie at dinner
On Wednesday, I slept in and then went out to do some shopping. When Ron got off we headed to pay car taxes, the DMV for his tag (a USC tag of course!) and then more shopping.
Thanksgiving Day wasn't too early of a morning. We loaded up the car for Spartanburg where we visited my parents, Kristie and Levi and Ron's family. We came back later in the evening (Clay stayed to go to Kristie's as he was going to the game with them and Ben just decided to stay with his grandparents) and went to the Ale House, yet again, for dinner since it was one of the a few places open.

Ben, my parents and Clay

Kristie and me

Ron, Clay, Levi and Ben

Michelle's notepad --- her checkbook

Instead of getting up this year for Black Friday, I slept in again. Maggie and I went for a long, post-big eat walk and then Ron and I went out for lunch and shopping. We still found some great deals! Most particularly, Granger Owings had their Gamecock pants on sale. Ron got TWO pairs for less than the regular price of one! In additional to a few other gifts, I found a Gamecock hammock for Ron at $30 and a pair of Bolle sunglasses for me at $25!!! Friday night I started feeling a little icky so we stayed in to get ready for Saturday.

Saturday started out terrible. I woke up with a sore throat and a cold. AND, it was pouring down rain and cold. But, we had arranged to secure the table at Wild Wings for a group of us to watch the game. We got there at opening and it was already a crowd, but we got our table for 10 upstairs right in front of the big TV. As kick-off approached we waited for "2001" and Wild Wings NEVER played it. Things were NOT looking good. And then the game started.....and we all know how that ended. It was quite a disappointment. After the game, we went home and I was in bed by 7 because of feeling so terrible.

Today was our last day off and Ron also woke up with a cold. We still worked on laundry and groceries and our usual "work-mode" stuff. Now, we're hoping that by tomorrow we'll feel better as we have a few Christmas parties, a house to decorate and a volunteer night at the Salvation Army this week.

We hope that you and your family had a great Thanksgiving break!

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