Thursday, October 23, 2008

Another Day's Work....

Today we went on our first field experience (what we used to call "field trips") as a whole school. All, 100 (+/-) and all staff except two assistants. We traveled about an hour to Brattonsville, which is in York County and great place to visit if you are a history buff. There are houses from the 1700s and the 1800s, including farm buildings and slave quarters. In addition, it is still a "working" farm complet with farm animals (and if you know that I have a weird fascination with farm animals --- for a city girl-- you will know that I LOVED, LOVED, LOVED seeing the sheep, horses and pigs!)

The site is very historical with the Battle of Huck's Defeat taking place during the Revolutionary War and parts of "The Patriot" were filmed on the location.

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It was a beautiful day for a field trip (a little chilly, but very sunny) and the kids were well-behaved.

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