Saturday, May 3, 2008

Something Else to Cross Off My List...

It never ceases to amaze me the things we find ourselves experiencing. Today the boys and I met Ron for lunch and then checked out his new place with him. While walking up Main Street to the (now closed) newsstand, we noticed happenings on the State House grounds. Never ones to pass up something new, we headed across the street to check it out.

Turns out it was a Memorial Service for Confederate Memorial Day! There were grey uniforms, ladies in long dresses and Confederate flags everywhere. Right about the time we stepped on the grounds, they let off a 21 gun salute which scared me and Ben half to death....we were not expecting it. And, then, the cannons started going off. We stayed for a couple of rounds of "Dixie" and the official "memorial" --- during which I, and the policeman next to me, just almost absolutely LOST it when some guy across the street started yelling "The Civil War is over".
Now I can say that I have been to a Memorial Service for the Confederacy and paid my respects to those who graciously served to protect states rights. (Good thing I love the Civil War!)

Clay got tired of watching and took a seat on the lawn.

One of my favorite scenes of the day --- the Rebel Poet!

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